Shayla Monnier, an operating room nurse turned influencer, has ignited a heated discussion after she and her husband, Andrew, confronted a couple about their child’s behavior on a flight. The Monniers were on a packed flight from Atlanta to Denver when they found themselves seated behind a couple with a young daughter, estimated to be between three and five years old. The child repeatedly turned around and blew raspberries at them, showering them with spit despite her parents’ attempts to stop her.

Frustrated by the situation, Andrew “lost his cool” and told the parents that he would control their child if they didn’t. Shayla shared this experience online, sparking a mixed reaction from her followers. She questioned the effectiveness of gentle parenting, stating, “Is everybody seriously gentle parenting these days? Because I’m not about it. Not if you’re spitting in my face.”

Monnier’s TikTok post, in which she detailed the incident, went viral, attracting thousands of comments. Some supported the couple’s response, while others criticized them or suggested alternative actions. Shayla explained that the child had been asleep for most of the flight but woke up and became interested in the passengers behind her. The girl blew a raspberry, sending spit flying all over Shayla’s face and Andrew’s arm.

Despite the parents’ efforts to stop her, the child continued to blow raspberries. Shayla tried to block the spit with her hand, but the child persisted. After the third time, Andrew sternly told the parents, “If you don’t get your kid under control, I’ll do it for you,” and suggested that the child wear a mask, as the parents were both wearing masks.

The child’s mother responded angrily, saying, “If you had kids maybe you’d understand.” Andrew replied, “We have five children and six grandchildren and I promise you not one of them would do something like that.”

Shayla’s TikTok account was flooded with comments offering various opinions. Some praised her husband’s actions, while others suggested different approaches. One commenter, Karen Lewis, suggested standing up and wiping the spit on the parent’s arm. Another commenter, reflecting on their own upbringing, mentioned how a stern discipline from their father would have prevented such behavior.

The incident also sparked broader discussions about parenting and air travel. Some commenters expressed a desire for adult-only flights, while others accused Shayla of overreacting. One person argued that blowing raspberries is not the same as spitting and suggested that Shayla might have been overreacting.

Shayla, who lives in Windsor, California, insisted that their own children would never behave in such a way, attributing the incident to what she perceives as a failure of gentle parenting. The debate highlights differing opinions on child discipline and appropriate responses to misbehavior in public settings.

The viral TikTok has divided opinions, with some fully supporting the Monniers’ actions and others suggesting that they may not have understood the full context of the child’s behavior. Despite the backlash, Shayla stands by her and her husband’s response, emphasizing their frustration with the lack of control shown by the child’s parents.